Sunday, November 27, 2011 a hole in the head

That is how much I need the project I just started now... but I have no-one to blame other than myself.

Like many other people at this time of year I have a Christmas crafting list longer than my arm and a work list even longer than that and with a shorter deadline. In fact this afternoon I sat at the kitchen table alternating between Christmas crafts, work tasks and a very healthy dose of procrastination, all the while achieving very little a new quilt design kept crowing into my thoughts.

I tried to ignore it, I tried to pacify it by drawing some of it out.

It didn't work. It kept pointing out it was Sunday afternoon and I should do something just for fun.

I decided that it had a point. So I have sewed up a block. Too soon to tell yet if this will be enough to keep it at bay while the other lists are attended to and hopefully get a little shorter.

It  is all machine pieced, and for the record I think Y seams are completely achievable with some accurate cutting and a little marking. As a square it would measure almost 20".

Fabric is Saffron Craig Imaginary Flowers and Beetle Bugs

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