Monday, January 24, 2011

Not a one holiday wonder!

Looking for the Flood Relief Auction? It's here.

When I took the Green Bag Challenge I fully intended to wrap all my gifts from that point forward in reusable cloth bags... and I fully expected to do the Christmas presents and Mum's birthday present and from there i would inevitably revert to the speed and convenience of wrapping paper, while feeling guilty every time I did.

But with some friends due tomorrow and a Christmas present (a late one to be sure but on time for our schedule, I promise) I made a little zippered bag to package the said gift.

This friend like blue so I literally tipped by blue scrap jar out on the sewing table next to the machine and made the front panel by improv piecing a quilt as you go rectangle, lined it with some blue dots and used a scrap of linen for the back. The zip was in the box of random zips.

I'm so proud of long can I keep it up I wonder?

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